
Diamond Aesthetics Klinik

Neck and double chin correction

Neck & double chin

Like so many small corner points in which many a vanity is noticeable, the neck and chin area is one of them. It is not only the neck that some patients find disturbing, but also its profile.

Some women and men are genetically predetermined to have weaker neck muscles. The more time you allow to pass, the more visible it becomes and the situation worsens enormously, especially after the age of 40.

From an anatomical point of view, there are muscles that are located above the neck and extend from the chin to the sternum. These are known as the platysma ligaments. Like any other muscle in the body, they can also become slack, which means that the skin over the platysma ligaments is not properly supported and consequently begins to sag. Depending on the initial findings, the treating physician will determine the best treatment option for the patient.

At DiaMonD Aesthetics, we offer botulinum injections as well as surgical procedures. However, injections are only recommended for patients with minimally loose skin.

Operations on the neck

can be performed either under anesthesia or local anesthesia. A small incision is made just under the chin.

This makes it easy to either remove fat by liposuction or gives the surgeon more room to tighten the platysma bands.


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