Liposuction Dusseldorf
Abdominal fat removal and liposuction Dusseldorf
Liposuction Dusseldorf
Even people of normal weight suffer from genetic or age-related fat deposits that cannot be reduced by strict diets or exercise.
Our liposuction Dusseldorf (liposuction) is therefore particularly suitable for women and men who suffer from a localized fat distribution disorder. Hormonal and genetic factors influence fat distribution, but liposuction can be used specifically to remove these fat cells. There are many problem areas where fat deposits accumulate and cannot be removed by dietary changes, exercise or anti-cellulite measures, for example:
The most effective method for removing these stubborn fat deposits is the mechanical removal of fat cells, i.e. liposuction. In our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Düsseldorf, excess fat cells are removed using fine cannulas under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The treatment procedure is gentle and aims to achieve natural results. As liposuction removes a lot of fatty tissue, you can expect long-lasting results if your weight remains stable. Visible results can be seen after just a few weeks, and comparison pictures of before and after situations show the effectiveness of the treatment. However, the method is unsuitable for general weight reduction.
Liposuction using the vibration method
The vibration procedure has been a successful trend in recent years. With our liposuction procedure in Dusseldorf, skin tightening and cellulite reduction can be achieved in addition to fat reduction. Through vibration, the system facilitates the reduction of fatty tissue and causes a beneficial tightening of the skin. The procedure is increasingly recognized as a minimally invasive option for body shaping. There are various innovative methods of liposuction that are suitable for different patient needs. An individual consultation is important in order to choose the most suitable method.
The aim of the procedure at our specialist practice in Düsseldorf is to achieve an alignment of the body contours with the surrounding body structures by removing localized fat deposits in patients who have an ideal weight or are slightly above the ideal values. Both male and female patients can benefit from liposuction. Skin elasticity also plays a decisive role in achieving a satisfactory result. In principle, we only recommend the procedure if the skin elasticity is good and it can be assumed that the excess skin will regress naturally.
Other abdominal treatments against fat deposits: Liposuction Dusseldorf (liposuction)
The specialists at our clinic for plastic and aesthetic surgery have many years of experience in the field of liposuction. We discuss and plan your procedure carefully in order to treat the problem areas on your body in a targeted manner.
Water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL) is one of the most modern liposuction techniques. With the help of this gentle method, you not only benefit from more precise fat removal with an optimal result for your body shape, but also from shorter recovery times. In this procedure, the fatty tissue is not loosened with a cannula, but first gently loosened with a fine jet of water and then suctioned off. Despite all the benefits of liposuction, you should also be aware of all the risks and assess them correctly.
However, with an experienced surgeon at your side, you can minimize risks such as wound healing disorders, sensitivity disorders or infections as far as possible.
Do you have any questions?
- Founder and Medical Director Diamond Aesthetics
The vibration process
Frequently asked questions:
**For whom is liposuction suitable? If you have not achieved any visible results despite exercise and diet and are still struggling with stubborn fat deposits, liposuction could be the solution to finally achieving your desired body shape. Our experienced specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery offer you the opportunity to remove excess fat cells using state-of-the-art methods. In a personal consultation, our specialists will advise you on your treatment options and take your individual wishes into account.
**For whom is liposuction not suitable? People who are severely overweight or suffer exclusively from cellulite should not have liposuction. We also advise patients with serious physical limitations not to undergo treatment. Other health factors or risks may also speak against a procedure.
**Can the weight be reduced by liposuction? With liposuction, it is important to know that the body weight is not significantly reduced. The aim of the operation is not to reduce weight, but to partially adjust the body contour. Water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL) is a particularly gentle technique for patients, which not only delivers precise results, but also ensures shorter recovery times.
**Can the liposuctioned fat deposits be replenished? Liposuction is aimed at aesthetically adjusting the body silhouette and removing excess fat deposits. Once fat cells have been suctioned from your body, they are effectively removed for the time being. Nevertheless, patients must continue to follow a healthy and balanced diet to ensure that the results are long-lasting. A change in diet and physical activity in the form of sport are also necessary to prevent new fat deposits from forming. A specialist consultation is also advisable in order to achieve the best results.
**Is the operation painful? As a rule, the operation is not painful as patients are under general anesthesia. Post-operatively, you should not feel any more pain after liposuction than you would with a very sore muscle. However, if you do experience severe pain, please contact our clinic immediately.
Frequently asked questions about liposuction in Dusseldorf
Who is liposuction suitable for?
You will not achieve any further reduction in unwanted fat deposits through exercise and dieting.
You want to improve your silhouette because fat deposits in some areas are disproportionate to the rest of your body. You should be at least 18 years old.
Who is liposuction not suitable for?
For people who are very overweight and want to lose weight or for people who only suffer from cellulite. For people who suffer from serious physical limitations.
Can weight be reduced by liposuction?
The weight is not significantly reduced and the purpose of this operation is to partially change the body contour and not to reduce weight.
Can the liposuctioned fat deposits be replenished?
Once fat cells have been suctioned out, they are gone. However, you must continue to eat a healthy and balanced diet. You should also be physically active. Otherwise there is a possibility that other fat deposits will fill up more.
Is the operation painful?
No. Because you are under general anesthesia. Postoperatively you should not have any more pain than that of a strong muscle ache. If you experience severe pain, please contact us immediately.
Can liposuction be covered by health insurance?
No. As a rule, health insurance companies do not pay for cosmetic surgery.
Do scars occur and how noticeable are they?
Minimal incisions are made in skin folds, making them almost invisible, so to speak.
When can we expect the final result?
The final result is visible after 6 months.
What should I pay particular attention to after the operation?
You must always follow your surgeon's instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and a good result.
When can I return to work?
You can resume light activities a few days after the procedure. Heavy physical work after 6 weeks.
What should I do after liposuction in Dusseldorf?
In order to support a complication-free healing process after liposuction and to achieve an optimal result, I ask you to follow the necessary instructions.
The DiaMonD Aesthetics team is always available for you by phone or email Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
You will wear the customized compression girdle continuously for a total of 6 weeks. It is used for post-operative compression and skin shrinkage. The compression girdle prevents excessive post-operative water retention and helps the body to reshape the newly forming tissue strands in the suctioned area. Therefore, please ensure that the girdle does not crease and that it is pulled all the way up in the crotch area to avoid incisions.
For the first 24 to 36 hours after the procedure, a reddish-colored fluid will emerge from the puncture sites. This is the tumescent solution with a very low blood content. However, the amount of blood it contains is negligible. Not all puncture sites are sutured so that the tumescent solution can leak out. The open puncture sites usually heal on their own within the first 10 days.
You should drink plenty of fluids after the procedure and eat a balanced and healthy diet.
To stabilize the circulation, you should move as much as possible but avoid physical exertion, also to minimize the risk of thrombosis.
After the first 6 - 8 days, Dr. Dagdelen will carry out the first follow-up appointment at the DiaMonD Aesthetics practice. The stitches will be removed at this time. During the first weeks of the post-operative phase, you will be closely monitored by us. If you experience increased pain or fever, please contact us immediately.
You can then take a lukewarm shower and wash your compression girdle. The girdle can be blow-dried, but please do not put it in the dryer as this can affect the elasticity. Please put your girdle back on immediately.
The bruises can be rubbed with heparin ointment.
As soon as your skin allows, you should massage the suctioned areas with a rich body lotion to stimulate blood circulation and support skin shrinkage.
From the 3rd week you can start with light sports activities such as walking and swimming.
From the 6th week you can slowly increase your sports program.
From the 3rd month you can go back to the sauna or solarium.
We wish you a speedy and speedy recovery!